Christos Yannaras, "Against Orthodox Fundamentalism". Address given by Professor Christos Yannaras at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology and Hellenic College during its 69th commencement ceremonies on May 21, 2011. 'There is no entity called the West “confronting” Orthodoxy; the West is “within us” and Orthodoxy is the common nostalgia of all who perceive the falling away of both East and West. The pioneers of self-criticism, the guides to metanoia, are not those who engage in “dialogue” about “primacy” and “infallibility,” or about the puerile doctrine of the Filioque, but those who have boldly attempted to make a painful break with moral error: Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Sartre, and closely related to them in the language of art, Baudelaire, Kafka, Bergman, and Fellini: All those who have proclaimed painfully that the alienating trans- formation of a relationship with God into ideology and legalism has led to the death of God— the God of indi- vidual “convictions” and crutch of egocentric Morality has died...'